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Justified in Jesus Christ

In 2017 the National Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue in the United States sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the University of Mary, Bismarck, North Dakota, completed its four-year round of discussions on the doctrine of justification. Sessions were held each year on the following topics: 2014: Original sin and its effects within the economy of salvation 2015: Initial justification 2016: The relationship between justification and sanctification 2017: The relationship between justification and final judgment At each of these annual meetings, members presented background papers that formed the basis of that meeting's discussions and became the starting point for constructing a common statement. These common statements and background papers comprise this book. Quite unexpectedly, the members of the dialogue discovered many points of convergence on the subject of justification. The members of the dialogue hope this book will provide a fruitful starting point for future conversations between Catholics and Evangelicals.

Item: 2004000

Price: $26.95

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